Profil autora Sapphire


30 let

Registrace od
23.12.2009 01:10:00
(5549 dnů)

Tvorba celkem (67)
Úvahy (2)
Básně (64)
Pohádky, bajky (1)
Hledat dílo

Naposledy aktivní
19.10.2011 23:50:00

Tipy obdržené: 368
Tipy rozdané: 60

Komentáře obdržené: 76
Komentáře rozdané: 16
K cizím dílům: 11emoji
Autor píše o sobě:

"Poetickým v životě je jen to, co poetickým vidíme - vše ostatní je samo o sobě realisticky nudné." Edward Lorenz - The Butterfly Effect Every step you do makes you do another step following the path you stepped on in the beggining. Every crossroad in your life creates a huge number of another sub-realities you haven't chosen as your path. Every person trying to imagine what would have happend, if they chose another path is on a paved path to be called crazy. The theory of chaos. "It's better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not." - Kurt Cobain "Don't regret anything you do 'cuz in the end it makes you who you are."

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