Writer's Dreams

Writer's Dreams

Anotace: Druhá z třetice básní, se kterými jsem vyhrál již zmíněnou krajskou soutěž. :) Snad se bude líbit! :)

Sbírka: Poetické Trio - vol. I

Lone traveller walking through the cold plain,

Sword and armour, ready to fight,

A nameless hero, a combatant, a history piece of the slain,

A writer’s dream to see such a man of epic might.


A woman, a sorceress, a delicate piece of human art,

Casting magic and healing lands from her shadowy tower,

Amazing curves, long hair, voice of power are indeed, her mighty cards,

A writer’s dream to see such a woman of epic power.


A battle of enormous proportions on a grainy field,

Where good stands against evil, where heroes rise and fall,

Evil warlord swinging his mace against the Good king’s shield,

A writer’s dream to see it all.


Two lovers, hugging under an old oak tree,

Smiles and kisses warming their hearts,

And then, sex, the symbol of being loved and free,

A writer’s dream to realize such paths.


A huge city of progress, with its farms around,

Its towers gleaming, piercing the white clouds,

Streets, shops, town halls, everything is so fair and sound,

A writer’s dream to detail such amazing human crowns.


A friendship of adventurers, a friendship that lasts forever,

A bond so strong, a bond that cannot be broken,

And when they fight for their lives, they always fight together,

A writer’s dream to see such relationships’ greatest token.


Ah, alas, dawn is rising,

And it is time to realize some of these dreams,

And as we start to write our stories, stories that are also rising,

You have to find rest of our dreams alone – those silver, glorious streams…

Autor Greeman, 06.11.2012
Přečteno 736x
Tipy 1
Poslední tipující: Dameira
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