Stars of the Night

Stars of the Night

Anotace: Poslední báseň ze třetí trilogie, ale bohužel nedokončená a pravděpodobně tak i bude. Ale i tak, enjoy! :)

Sbírka: Poetické trio - vol. II

The night is young, and dawn far away,
silence crept into the valley of woods,
only you, the white dots, leading no-one astray,
brightening paths for all the underground nooks.
I am a lonely shadow, walking amongst these wooden guards,
every creature asleep, all embraced by a black cloak,
Yet I look upon the sky, seeing you, the ever-watching stars,
An audience of silence, watching every shadow, every oak.
Ye hermits of the universe, how old you must be?
What did you see, what places you observed?
Ye travellers of the void, what fates did you foresee?
Where they righteous, just, or deserved?
Scholars of eternity, what secrets lie in thee?
Which nations you saw crumbling, and which one rising?
Oh, stars, how ancient thou must be,
What ancient song and poems you have in you, chiming?

Autor Greeman, 06.05.2013
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