Taxidermy / Masquerade

Taxidermy / Masquerade

Anotace: A stream of thoughts on the current stste of society ending with an Orwellian paraphrase as the result of this short observation.


A taxidermy of love finds a rotten core
The engravings of lore on an ancient stone

The encavement of burdened soul
    the remorse of youth gone
The grave of all those wraiths
    you created along the way

If you dig be aware
Deeper feels good
but too deep
Discovers filth and grief

Catnip of the bewildered,
    the craving of all fools
Once reached lets go of glamour,
    chains you on the spot

Knowledge is abundant, reason is scarce
Belied by false imagery we always chase the mirage
Tirelessly shoveling the ore of false hopes
In a faint delusion of blessings up ahead

Society's a charade
Friendship's a masquerade
Love is gone while lust prevails

Order is repression
Sanity is rage
Happiness is grief and soul becomes a disgrace

Peace is war
    and slavery is fredom's face
A marching crowd
    seeks its strength in ignorance

Autor Elgroth, 15.12.2013
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