Face in the sky řčšž

Face in the sky řčšž

Anotace: Short poesy about the face in the blue sky. I can see Her face over there, but really I would like to say something great, something that I love you, babe.ýžřč

Hey girl, what talking about your heart,
why butterfly taking a part of my mind,
it does mean that I am losed in my love,
or I am trying wake up and turn the second card?

A lots of words blew off the wind,
but what do you feel now,
I don´t want to say,
it isn´t better only find the best way.

It is better die or lose all friends,
it seems I never cannot see the ends,
one part is finished in my hands,
second was born like a color birds.

Blue sky show me your face,
your eyes are crying maybe,
I wanna think that´s the dream,
which going away with my breath.

But I feel it is truth,
and I am the number two,
and tousends secrets shall be closed for my mouth,
only one secret as the grave stops my heart.

The version of my working love,
shall be closed for all the time.

A kvůli tomu, že tu musí být diakritika, tak píšu česky tuhle blbou větu, takže kdo jí čte do konce, zjistí, že se stejně nic nedoví.:-)A protože to pořád nejde, tak píšu další větu, která je taky úplně ku prdu.
Autor Diablek, 19.07.2007
Přečteno 427x
Tipy 0
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Nezlob se, ale angličtina ti DĚLÁ problémy. Buď zdokonalit angličtinu, nebo básnit v češtině... to jsou mé osobní názory. Hodně štěstí!

21.07.2007 05:21:00 | unstoppable


dost dobrý, koukám, že angličtina ti nedělá problémy..:))líbilo se mi to..:))

20.07.2007 08:52:00 | Nemůžu zapomenout

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