* No Revenge * (Bez Pomsty)
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* No Revenge *
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Made me close my eyes
and believe all your lies.
Made me live in dream
and never go up stream.
A shaft of light has shone my world,
four walls, the dark room of my mind.
A keen pain like a cut of sword
made me realise I was blind.
Where’s the heaven, your promise?
Turned into the dust…
Awaked, I can see at last.
Pain in place of the bliss…
I wish I took vengeance on you
but I can’t refute the true.
Through I hate I can’t stop to love
you, wanderer of the dark path.
Made me close my eyes
and believe all your lies.
Made me live in dream
and never go up stream.
Never go up stream...
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go up stream - jít proti proudu
A shaft of light - paprsek světla
realise - uvědomit si
heaven - ráj
turn into - proměnit v
awaked - probuzený
in place of - místo (čeho)
bliss - zde: štěstí
take vengeance on - pomstít se (komu)
refute - zde: popřít
wanderer - poutník
(ěščřžýáíéů) * (ěščřžýáíéů)
Přečteno 397x
Tipy 6
Poslední tipující: S..a, Bíša

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