Touch To Remember
Anotace: Nejjednodušší verze bývají obvykle ty, které si budeme pamatovat.
Searching through the pieces of my lonely soul
I have found this and want you to know...
I smell your beauty
I feel the butterflies
I close my eyes and I see an angel
Stealing my heart with her eyes
Saved from darkness
I run to you
You in your kindness
Please spread your wings
Hide me inside
Lets fly away…
Anyplace fine.
I am yours
Touch me…
Touch me inside…
You are beautiful.
Touch to remember.
The time has passed…
I’ve lost calender
These words are last
I could remember
So far away you are…
Look at the stars
Touch your heart
You will
A teardrop may fall
But we both would know
That a poem is not about the verse
That a love is not about the heart
That both are something more
Both well worth trying for
The feelings kept inside
They are the magic key
Touch to remeber
Remember … Me
The world unseen to many
All ours in all its size
Don’t have just some when could have any
Your soul’s the only price
I am always there to hear your every word
To enjoy your every smile
Always there protecting you with my magic s-word
To make love for a little while
I love The Touch
I will remember
Přečteno 429x
Tipy 1
Poslední tipující: Lady Elleana

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