Words of Power

Words of Power

Anotace: První z třetice básní, díky kterým jsem vyhrál krajskou soutěž ve vlastní tvorbě v anglickém jazyce. :) Snad se bude líbit! :)

Sbírka: Poetické Trio - vol. I

At this very day, I’m not a human, nor any being,

Just a dark soul wandering in your mind storm,

Touching, hearing, feeling, seeing,

And then, your dark thoughts before me are about to form.


I see your tears; I feel your pain,

Another day of blackness passed by,

You tried everything, but all was in vain,

Those tyrants and ignorant fools won again, and you cry.


I see the flock of tainted wolves hunting you down the road,

I watch the power wielders smashing your last shields,

I feel your dread when your parents wear the torturer’s coat,

And you have to walk through these horrendous fields.


And there you lie in your bed, exhausted, despair in your mind,

At the point of an end’s spear,

I slowly venture into your soul, as a sleep, sleep so kind,

For it is time to show you your destiny, my dear.


In your dreams, I walk forward to you,

A man with golden eyes of warmth, white robe of peace,

You come to me in hope, and happy, too,

As I hug you with love, and kiss off your tears.


I whisper the power of love in your ears,

Making your pain and suffering easier to bear,

I look upon you with my eyes, demolishing your fears,

And you smile, washed by care.


I keep whispering to you the words of power,

Building hope, strength, courage, and might,

And you see your destiny as a shining tower,

Awed by that shape, awed by that sight.


Your days might be dark today, but they won’t be for long,

Every day is a step towards the bright light,

You can outmatch everyone who tells you that you’re wrong,

You just have to continue in your fight.


Believe me, one day, all the tyrants will stop existing,

All the power wielders will kneel before your abilities,

And you will rise higher and higher, thanks to your resisting,

A new world will open before you, full of possibilities.


And finally, the dark thoughts will fade,

You will rush to your plans even faster,

Then, I, the guardian, the supporter, will disappear like a shade,

Knowing, that you don’t need me anymore as your support caster.


With this vision, with this future,

I leave you to your sweet dreams,

And then I transform back to the dark soul, a mystical creature,

Seeking others who are unleashing their painful screams…

Autor Greeman, 06.11.2012
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