Anotace: That moment in time, bare trees, leaves falling down, enchanted by the voice of a raven, I was sure, it spoke about the heaven.
The raven
That moment in time, bare trees, leaves falling down, enchanted by the voice of a raven, I was sure, it spoke about the heaven
Oh, that moment in time, with no clear border line, there was nobody to call me back, for the beauty of words the raven said.
I slid down to the floor, I woke up just in front of a devil´s door
I was caught in his Master´s net, for the illusions the raven said then I heard you whispering to my ear, till I believed there was nothing to fear
You showed me the way back, unlike another intricate trap, just divine like a strom above a blue ocean, I will stay to share your intimate emotions
With a power of a lava flow, true love´s become a virtue, I want to know it all, The raven´s left, you are the Queen of my heart and soul, I will feel it for endlessly long.
(Hanuš Šparlinek, 3-4.11.2013, in tribute to Caroline)