The game of love
Anotace: When you come to any breaking point in a relationship:
I'm tired of life
Tired of people
tired of this play
afraid that you may
let me down tomorrow
or just die from sorrow
why should i promise you
why should i trust you
there's no reason for me not to
still i hate to admit
hate to admit that you saved me
saved me from myself
from indulgence and ignorance
how far will you take me
how hard will you push me
before failing from exhaustion
when I'm on my knees begging you to leave
why do you stay by all means through the pain
covering yourselfs in misery
i never needed people
why is it now essential
i never thought of love nor hate
but now i hate that i love you
i hate that i depend on you
so here i kneel for you to condone
waiting for the spear to my heart
waiting patiently for you to strike
just do it baby and don't you cry
you give the game away, the game of love
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Tipy 1
Poslední tipující: bogen

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