Game of silence

Game of silence

Anotace: I want to play a game of silence with you in this silence I´ll move my body and you will move y...

I want to play game of silence with you

in this silence
I´ll move my body
and you will move yours

my eyes would perform a shy dance
shy dance with objects around you

and just for few seconds
they will stare at you..
in the way to keep my secrets and to tell them in the same time
and at this moment i would despertly want time to stop
stop for eternity
because there is nothing more i want right now
lost in my feelings for you
feelings you dont want to exist
feelings i dont know how to get rid of

and i tried
believe me
i tried a lot
Autor femi, 28.01.2016
Přečteno 374x
Tipy 4
Poslední tipující: Lioness
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jen si umaz jedno ,,r,, v around ...

jeste bych nahradil I'll move my body na gonna move my body ... a lost in my feelings for you nevim jak to myslis, ale spis mi sedi vic with you ... a ten konec I've tried ... protoze jsi zkusil, ale to zkouseni stale trva ... I've tried a lot ... a nebo uz si to zkouseni zabalil? :D ... jinak dobry

28.01.2016 18:14:27 | Paul Nabre


Diky za opravy..sedi mi teda akorat ta posledni..feelings for you je podle me ok..stejne to i will..around je teda around no :))

28.01.2016 20:10:23 | femi


Jo a promin, myslel jsem ze to psal kluk, tak se omlouvam draha ;) jsem koukal na text a ne na autora ;)

28.01.2016 18:49:32 | Paul Nabre


English is so are your words!

28.01.2016 17:07:40 | Lioness

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