On the red sky of the east,
to the sunset in the west.
We have cheated and He has
cheated us.
But that was just the dream
and this is what at means.
We are sleeping and the
we´re the evermore.
And the fragment remains
our the memories and the shadows
we made with your hands.
Dieper grey of the mourn,
that is colours of the dawn.
Hi by joutneymans day he last...
26.08.2007 12:05:00 | jehlaspichlas
Je, děkuji Sioraku:-)
Bilingvní nejsem:o) Ale baví mně to, takhle si tu angličtinu procvičuju a je to mnohem zábavnější než se nazpaměť drtit slovní zásobu.
25.08.2007 15:46:00 | Nikytu