I'm not an English master
I'm not an English master, dear
Sometimes in my eye I feel a tear
I'm not a genius of everything
In poems I only suggest, what I think
I wish for everything I can't have
Sometimes I can feel only my breath
I pray through I don't believe
I can give, but I can't receive
So tell me anyone what to do
Where I find the lucky so true
I want to turn my dreams into real
And forget everything I fear
The lucky is a colour mosaic for me
Many crocks of it I still can't see
If you want to help me find one
Let's find mistakes which I've done
I need to improve my English, I know
But what's correct I alone don't know
So I find an English master to help
To get more knowledge for myself...
Přečteno 359x
Tipy 6
Poslední tipující: vapiti, Bíša, fialová

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