The Revenge Of An Fallen Angel (Pomsta Padlého Anděla)
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* The Revenge Of An Fallen Angel *
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The last feather in my hand...
The suffering which I couldn't stand...
My tears and blood all around...
My scream sounded deep underground...
Turned me down for what I'd needed.
My broken heart, I couldn't heal it!
A cursed soul for what I'd desired.
My rage and hate will be never tired!
Hear my whisper breaking the silence.
Soon I will come and ask you to dance.
The dance of passion, the touch of lust;
I will turn your white wings into dust!
I will spend this night with you, my dear.
There's no escape and no time to fear.
I wish for your innocence and heart.
Dust of your wings, I'lll blast it apart.
The last feather in your hand...
The suffering which you couldn't stand...
Your tears and blood all around...
Your screaming sounded deep underground...
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feather - pírko
suffering - bolest, utrpení, muka
tears - slzy
scream - vřískot, skučení
turned down - odmítnutý
heal - vyléčit
cursed - prokletý
desire - toužit
rage - vztek, hněv, zlost
whisper - šepot
ask (sb.) to dance - požádat (někoho) o tanec
turn into - proměnit
dust - prach
fear - bát se; strach
innocence - nevinnost
blast apart - rozprášit
(ěščřžýáíéů) * (ěščřžýáíéů)
Přečteno 672x
Tipy 1
Poslední tipující: Bíša

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