Shouts to nothingness

Shouts to nothingness

Anotace: Devoted for godess of death, which brought no death at all but curiosness!

My eyes are blind and ears are deafened.
Everything around is hidden and dumb.
Hands are grasping nothing, how it happened?
And all I know isn't bigger than a crumb.

I'm like a head of cabbage amidst hares,
having a certainty.. of the quenched flares!
I'm rubbing eyes trying to see who...? Thee!
Through the spotlights which revealed me.

Tell me just a bit more, if not giving helping hand!
It's like being lost in a forest and coming to a sand!
I know it's very joyful, funny and all that stuff!
But it's not easy, when just you know. It's pretty tough.

Autor Demedalex, 24.01.2008
Přečteno 310x
Tipy 11
Poslední tipující: Koskenkorva, Lorraine, excited, Maro Deives, Bíša, Bean, Romana Šamanka Ladyloba
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Tak pardon, ale ono je to skutečně někomu věnované. Dotyčná o tom ví, ale stejně se nechce nechat obměkčit. Ten život je fakt pes.

24.01.2008 21:47:00 | Demedalex


Anglinu miluju, ale tohle mi nedelej, ráda tě čtu a tomuhle prostě nerozumim:( teda něco jo, ale neumím si to asi dát do těchspravnejch souvislosti a vznikajmi kraviny

24.01.2008 21:40:00 | C.alwen

líbí nature language .o))

24.01.2008 21:17:00 | Bean


great ! :)

24.01.2008 20:56:00 | Romana Šamanka Ladyloba

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