Duša (The Soul)
Ane Brun - To let myself go
Svet pred mnohými rokmi
Bol ešte celkom čierny
A duša tvoja
V tieni
Ľudia vedľa seba osamelí
Neúplne celí
A ja
Len tak kdesi
Na polceste k cieli
S vierou v srdci
Čo zostala vo mne jediná
Čo jediná sa nikdy nezmenila
A svet pred mnohými rokmi
Pustý, krutý
Dočista čierny
Žil v tom čase
Len vďaka veriacim dušiam
(Ako sú tie dve naše)
The world - whole
Many years before
Was truly dark
And your soul
Into shadows
You tried it well hide
Now people are
Next to each other alone
Together only a half
And the soul of mine
Just somewhere so
In the middle to reach my goal
Me, in heart with faith
Which nearby always stays
Which has never changed..
The whole world
Many years before
Deserted, cruel
Of dark full
Lived that time
Only thanks to believing souls
(Like those mine and yours)
Přečteno 321x
Tipy 11
Poslední tipující: její alter ego, enigman, Actafool, Bíša, Giginka, Romana Šamanka Ladyloba
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