My Yourney í

My Yourney í

Anotace: Mno..pokusil jsem se napsat něco anglicky a tak tady to máte...;)

We come to long yourney, but we jumped on fastest horse,
this is a race my blood is burning
this is a race which we can't lose...

Our minds fly somewhere in the air
but our feelings are similar..
If you can, try to jump on this fast train,
come and enjoy, we are not criminal...

Autor BritishMurderBoy, 08.02.2006
Přečteno 368x
Tipy 0
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Ty pismena typu (ěščřžýáíé) mi pomohly oklamat system, protoze bohuzel nelze ulozit dilo dez diakritiky.. takze aspon takhle..;)
preju peknej den..:)

08.02.2006 15:03:00 | BritishMurderBoy

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