I am who I am
Anotace: Nuž, dlho som nič nepridala :D tak to napravím :D možno tu nájdete nejaké chyby v angličtine, môžte ma na ne upozorniť, nenahnevám sa :D
I love writing poems
that look like without idea
but they have
in this beautiful language
just for me
or for people like me
they understand
magic of big cities
magic of possibilities
magic of Tolkien ´s stories
of Mary Poppins
and Sherlock Holmes
I have ever wanted to live in United States
I am scared of death
I am scared of dark
and I can ´t sleep till midnight
I´m a bit excentric
optimist (sometimes)
funny (maybe)
inteligent (I just act it)
I love writing
dancing (but I don´t know how to dance)
I am who I am
Přečteno 443x
Tipy 3
Poslední tipující: Moniska, Engrow
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