Tracking lyrics for 2016

Tracking lyrics for 2016

Anotace: Selfexplanatoiry idea and formě of free lyrical poetical and metaphysical expresion went far to horizont of scifi and fantastický. ..Některé věci hodlám nahrát pro experimentální formu beat boxu a samostatné samplování.


Tech, beats, mapping, Wood Vox, sound design, context
Form: construction of beat and sound typus modus.
Themes in thé background, melodic aperance of universe. Glitch'verse.

(This file only contain the solution for the alternative lyrics

and the only way how to create and produce the album life

is to write manuscript to paralelaly make pictures of the world into existence

so we start at the city of the future of distans light city of my own imagination) 

Saltech flower - Dr. Poematica Laboratory oratory of A Fix ....

                        Cyclonic reapers in the reapers papers of holos bios'

                        Is this messanger fragmentary as momentum aorts of mentals

                        are wrist in the chaos of the Dr. Poematica Sci Lab. 


                        As I reincarnated project from homelands of Asylum

                        Perpetum motion Sci Poematica was born

                        with new granular visions of intercellar comunication

                        as Space Cerebelum manifestated the vibrant zonesion


                        This is cresendum audiovisual launch 2016 

                        Extraction of my past fastest imaginations 

                        eons of sound cosmic blastoas experience activity

                        Four world dead language in paradigmes inherites jewells



arc sky aliens - What whould you do if Aliens get here

                       Soundcloudns emanence equals five transits 

                       U3H!Sound under the youtube caligraphy of serendipidy

                       ...and the heartbeat boiled in river of thousand forgotens treasures...


                      Reapearing reincarnated investicatings carpets

                      of perpetual cabarets of experimental double helix perception

                      nuance of deflagrance liberance in the esence of sentence

                      with pimp glance of stance entrance the spontaneis improvisation's


                      And objects of lyrical physical writen on the machines

                      recitating over the Zoom H2Nradiance server glued frozen

                      energy distording glitched material fluctuating narations

                      radiance ration operation district fiber twist whisle bo         


skysqurel trees - new forms of life and inteligence in the dark matter

                         dangerous radiants emiting the source of creativity

                         nobody knows where the matter of Imagination is

                         the slayer still creeping in the sadness of our heads


                        Remaps of sonical manifestation station delirance D

                        Artist fooley stunning recording final cutting into the living

                        humanocells on the branch links of the flying saucer beams

                        breakbeats deconstructs the compositions of firing eyes


                        Inner accelarating of beatbox and advence sound permiting

                        frazing recepts of the bodyshifht hymen fetus of radioactive sasquatch'  

                        Film creator author is dead in one million year fragments of now


                        As we recollect the senzorias memories from laudantron aspects

                        main goal is to perceice a hit from the melting potencials of segments

                        That are hitchhike on the coilecurves of sparcling ilustracy of monumental tapisery

                        breaking throught the palet glanza of zapping zips of your mindeye


corporatocracy circus - futura cabaret of the lobbyist in the nuke fringe'

                                 Hypnotic cinematic octagonist in enigmatic polaroid plain

                                 as I reenter lucid dinastery out of forces of mainstreame


                                where all urban robots are catch in the corporatocracy policy


                                Petric lottery to the dictions is outstandingly low in cost of seven

                                Future fermentation of the topics is systematicaly hacked by the Osidians

                               This potential voice is adaptions cyclon in the mate of viceversum

                               Circus balerina recollect the prognosis on the rave ontological

                                semi inter galactical congress of drug destruction and explosion

                                 of lucratiuve anarchy economic sub streams povers 


                                Drastic multilayers of strong personality autonomity

                                I'm the your faster thought ecrainium subsistenz coherency

                                with difloscule cumulative instinc of insect ectoplazmatic

                                a-tic tick tingle glens of the cosmic lens throught the telepatic wires  on nanoyummy traveller out of region'S!   as manner of prolific changes on consciousness dictions 

neurocollosarium - collapse titan space and time unborn minds mindsets etymology 

metanarative cyclóns furious orbital cyborgs diversity femmale hydrogenetics 

characters caring the ideas about the main levels of golden ink man in viral sink

bizzare messages space paradigmes about your selfexplainatory mandatory

purple harvester of souls sorrow lost in the cubic ornaments of unofganic fragmentations


Superparadigmatic cyclonic mathematic sci poematic fluctuatins primordials

dials bios of mainframe the kindness switch the enrole paralax of gravitois tune

reapered in this deconstructive research of mammals antigony of lifefulness

Cubes in cojas for aphotic synthetic embryo that spears the surface of colective skin


As a echo of the yakfully deliberance enters the diffusionative hemispheres

we skyfall dawn the hall of thousand mirrors in scalpels holocaus fragments scissors

and the moment of the moments in the never ending dancing spiral

is subbass focus in face of the unknown creatore with habits of many creators


So raptiles fugitives of all oncological and methaphyzical ideas glitched in lack of the feedback

as positive conclusions crashed like meteors from the firing gravitational field

eldery riscfull ulterior motives versality of atoms in cubical abstract a fix

emblence of recollective passage of timeless void of mindless history of me...





hologramorphois - As Dr. Poematiqoon conquer the imagon of cypher

                              'It's intricately brilliant symposium of detailed ideas in motions'

                              says the logical schemes of memes paragraph in senseless combat simulator

                              these axioms of the mind swap matter or terminal for the matter are unwraped in the positions of theritory...

                             All these heads and stats of rotating permutational aspects 

                             returning to the coluum of the post thought revelations of significations          

                            Like who we are is always maddame prima balerina the question source of delight

                            and in the sights of the snake pulling his tail back from the fugitives of the fugas 

                           like this gastronimic visual cathering served and cooked in the void spared time blazing rocket fuel engine mind


                          ...Recursive curs etc cursor of horizontal ontagonic octupus suit

                             recruts in geometrical barbeque future patients of humanois ants

                              'As you thought this is the last breath of famous injected fosile of spinal metainteligence so called human type retransfigurator -- -

                              BUt the sage of the proporsion are colloosal aluminive extract of the alien...

'imho mimozemské invaze jsou právě extrahovány ze stáze jestliže jste ještě neprocitnuly ze snáře...'


conceptual textur es of superhologram in the storm of the brainwave selectors eclectic reactors on the hubes of ferments¨¨

Fractalus web - we in aliens observatoř.

                          Psychedelic entheogenic substrate mytopoetic spectrum

                          lexicon of the characters of the inside the puppet theathre 

                          gods siderious journey to the forgotten landscapes...


                         but searchants for the cosmical universal theme of mind dreams

                         in capilars studios of reality hackers the mesmerizing strings

                         searching for the gods trinity clinical aliency of sufficency how to...


                         reborn our armory of saints and dinastery of planted imaginery

                         planets travellers prophecy inner palaces of floscules drivers unhaptic 

                          new axes races worlds assamble like units of paralel dimension


                          Cosmological phenoments that drifts overs sunbeams of horizont

                         'what if they get here now in task for the prayse sanctum...'

                         cosmogonical netstring halucinogenic entites that filtering the causes of lost...

                         parcels and facets celestial dial never ending gyroscopic parlament of time....     

                       Behing ...


dark sirius - mystical alchemy of pi
Colonizer twist ' mathematical paradoxes
Upmind Loaded feelings VS mind VS Mattel of universální unity.

Et furor Poeticus -
Thirteen Blade Slammer Rose -


Autor Happyyz, 31.12.2015
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