Anotace: ...
I am reading my horoscope
while all my good stars seem
to be drug addicted
or as drunk as the
rainy clouds
My blood boils in my veins
of needing you so badly
It is a deep night
Old shadows are shouting on their walls
And I try to grab my soul n' heart
from a rubbish bin
pissed by a dog
as astrayed as me
in your arms
The past always haunts you
You've said
All is gone, all I wanted
And a heaven turns to the hell instead
Devil smiles at me:
"Take a seat!"
Ach tie psy, nemajú úctu ani voči našim naj...väčším pokladom ;-) nuž - nevyhadzovať do popelnic, len to mi z toho vylieza...;-)
14.11.2021 15:43:06 | gallatea
to je škoda-textu bych trochu rozuměl kdyby byl ovšem v sanskrtu nebo ve francouzštině...:-D*
PS lituji své negramotnosti-Tvé texty čtu rád.....:-)*
23.05.2019 14:22:30 | Frr