Anotace: Thank you. Thank you for reminding me. I wrote it a long time ago. But it finally makes sense. “Years from now, still see you shining in the night.” Be happy, be free. You deserve nothing less :-))))) With love, always yours...
People ask me
If I’m in love
And I think I’m
But not the way
They suppose
I feel love
Circling in every
Single cell
Of my being
Shining when seeing
The Moon and the Sun
Dance together
On the same sky
While merging with the sea
One after another
I feel love
When rain falls
On my face
Making me realise
That light is there
Even if
It’s a very cloudy day
I feel love
When I see
The reflection of street
Lamps on the water
Reminding me that
Happiness surrounds us
No matter how dark
Hour the sky signifies
I feel love
When I remember
Faces of all the people
I care about
Because I know
That at moments like these
I may be far
But actually I’m still
Partially with them
Because who am I
Without Love
Without Happiness
Shining through
The skin of my soul
Who am I when
Feeling all this while
We’re alone and yet
Somehow together
I am everything
And nothing
I am you and me
Yet nobody
I am the light of
The Sun and the Moon
Both shining
On the surface of the sea
At the same time
And that for me
Is Love...