I gave you my heart
You gave me pain
Why did you do that?
Why did I stay?
I became addicted
To your body, to your soul
I don't feel vindictive
It was all my fault
I chose to stay
Tolerated the hurtings
Disregarded myself
Ignored my feelings
I still love you
Will for always and for ever
But it is time to move on
It is time to be clever
You are like a tattoo on my heart
And even if we will be miles apart
I will think of you day and night
Because in the end, it was you who saved my life
Zní to dobře, rýmovaně, libozvučně, ale protože umím jen czenglish, nedokáži real correctness cizího textu posoudit. Nějakého native spíkra se zeptej. :-)
20.01.2022 13:44:29 | Lighter