Anotace: z lásky k Životu... a sobě
dlouhý bílý lednový večer '24
Long brown hair
Hopeful brown eyes
Always with a smile
In the beat of her heart
She's not a bad person
Just doesn't know how to live
Not the only one
Not like anyone else
Need to feel the Life
Need to stay alive
She loves you, him, her, it
Thinks nobody knows it
Maybe She's just scared
Scars, pain, evil and dark
She can't pretend
She doesn't want to lie
She's gentle and honest
She's brave and strong
She's smiling and dancing in the rain
In storm She will hold your hand
She's never here or there
But always by your side
The wind at your back
When you need or want
She could be everything
She's like a rainbow
She's who I'm
She must be a treasure:)
15.01.2024 20:47:36 | Žluťák
It seems nobody knows it... :)
17.01.2024 20:08:40 | redandreablue
It's a shame...
17.01.2024 21:37:03 | Žluťák