Anotace: RedHead: The Visual Collection

Sbírka: #01 RedHead: The Visual Collection

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the sexiest of 'em all?
Hope, you say it is still me

Fucking pretty?!?

Mirror, mirror, are you really my friend?
Are you honest? Did you not pretend?
Hope, you are honest to me

Fucking pretty?!?

I don't think that you show a real view
Because when I see myself in you
You create me as a fucking monster
And everything I wanted to be
In your glass seemed like vanity
I need to destroy you and set me free
Just take back my whole dignity!

Mirror, mirror, don't you see
You run away with my fantasy
Hope, you didn't run away so far

Fucking pretty?!?

Mirror, mirror, I'm sufferin'
Enjoy every minute with my scream
Hope, you heard enough of it

Fucking pretty?!?

I don't think that you show what is true
Because when I see myself in you
You create me as a fucking monster
And everything you had for me
Was like I found my lost virginity
I need to destroy you and set me free
Just take back my whole dignity!
Autor fab_bionic, 23.01.2015
Přečteno 578x
Tipy 2
ikonkaKomentáře (1)
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Fucking good! :-D To se mi fakt líbí, ST.

23.01.2015 14:42:36 | Isabella Monvoisin

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