Porcelain doll

Porcelain doll

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Porcelain doll

Every morning stars are dying

I'm lying on the bed
And listening to your breath
It's so bad

We are trapped in the labyrinth
We are trying to find each other
With ear pressed to the wall
I'm listening to you, lying next to me
You are like a porcelain doll
So fragile

I can't find you
And you can't find me too

Every morning every star must die
Where are you?
Have you been broken into a thousand porcelain shards?

I want to steal a kiss
But I haven’t found you in this

Are you one of those stars?
Have you died with the morning coming?
I always ask

You are lying next to me

I can hear you
But I don't see you

Even though I know that you are out there
Hiding under the blanket
Autor Jesper, 05.04.2012
Přečteno 498x
Tipy 3
Poslední tipující: Tanecnice, Hesiona-Essylt
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když nebudu teda hledět na gramatiku, tak se mi to líbí

16.11.2012 13:17:23 | hanele m.


ano,gramaticky to spravne neni..ale po obsahove a umelecke strance se mi to strasne libi..opravdu krasne..:-)

09.04.2012 21:17:19 | Tanecnice


Líbí se mi přirovnání k porcelánové panence i vyjádření pocitu. Mám jen určité výhrady ke gramatice - spojení "every" a průběhového času není myslím správně.

08.04.2012 08:13:41 | Hesiona-Essylt

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