Anotace: Další píseň na základě mého textu, znovu dopsaná a přepsaná starší báseň, tentokrát ovšem v angličtině. Tématicky v tom najdete leccos, ale pro mě je to o odhodlání překonávat chyby našich rodičů, své nedostatky, depresi... ...i chuť to skončit.
Sbírka: Písně Staro-Nové
In this strange, mad season
You have treasure if you feel free
While those power having need a reason
To let us free, to let us be
Let them look into the mirror
Let them look to children’s eyes
Let them answer: „Why you hate your daughter!?”
Let them answer: „Why you lost your son?”
If you’re feeling like in prison
If you want one healthy tree
You should ask this, though you’re not chosen:
„Why You’re staring right on me?”
Let them look into the mirrors
Make them looking while they're scared
Let them know who really hurt those
People who took so much care
If you don’t think you’re imprisoned
You have treasure, you are free
Or you never asked yourself the question:
“How much free one can just be?”
If you don’t think, you’re imprisoned
That one co(m)ma changed a lot
But now when you are up and risen
Hit the iron while it’s hot
Try to look into the mirror
Try keep looking while you’re scared
Try to answer one more scary question
When was the last time you really cared
Let them look into the mirror
All those who are trapped inside
Make them content make them useful
They are you so make them proud
Every time you’ll try to reason
How much and if you are free
You may ask yourself how big of treason
Would be to cut down healthy tree