Contorted Face

Contorted Face

Anotace: An experiment this time in English... You either like it or not.

I will burst into your chest
the saliva of my desires
I will bury my face into your chin
I will nuzzle your nose with mine
I will blurt out a plethora of rerepeated phrases into your closed eyes till your silent mind open its closed gate into your heart.
I dont care whether you want to spit it out or keep it tucked like your tummy close and closer into the direction of your spine.
I wanna suck out the hushed rustle of your lame excuses dipped in black tea and smothered in white milk.
I wanna wipe out your poisonous tongue which slashes my meat into thousand stars.
I was born in your arms to be dissolved in your pointless laugh.
I hate your sleazy bars out of which your curls are protruding into an open cloud that dropped on a concrete pavement path.
I would love to squeeze you in between my thighs and sing into your smashed ear a tearful odour of cigarette addiction.
I would like to take your arm and thrust it into my aura which would devour and savour your unforgettable smell of dirty thoughts and boyish abuses.
Believe it or not this is my farewell without furtively sneaking my glance into dictionary's stance.
This is me saying goodbye through the third particle with missing articles which is kept in blissful ignorence of my flying kites whose imagination writes a story a girl with pigtails might envy...
...a story that is being carved into capped mountain tops. 
Not a single child, not a single wench or young man sunlit in an empty space can conjure up a smile like I can on one of my childish toys.
I will tear up and rip out pages of empty tolerance from my bust or from my feeding breast.
I will masturbate my own chords into your stupidly contorted face.

Autor Murion, 19.02.2015
Přečteno 552x
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