Fate Stay Night: Bedivere the Wise

Fate Stay Night: Bedivere the Wise

Anotace: Fanfic, based on Fate Stay Night anime, and Fate route of Visual novel of same name. Bedivere is here presented as man(Visual Novel), not like woman(Anime). I recomend everyone to watch anime, and once you do it, try Novel. Enjoy. (I do not owe F.S.N.)

Fate Stay Night: Bedivere the Wise


Bedivere knew that he will never forget that moment. Moment when king Arthur... no, moment when Arturia died. She was smiling, at the end, she was smiling. His only wish come true, girl which drew sword was happy at least upon death, happy as she never was when lived. Yet he felt like it was not enough, not enough for all that suffering in live she had. It was unfair, that such perfect person, one who sacrifeied herself for sake of people, was unable to be happy for such a long time. He carefully watched sunset. It was three weeks already, from that day, day of her death. "Her dream... dream that made her happy... I guess what it was." he said to wind, sitting alone on hill. "Bedivere, if you wish, I can tell you." said voice from behind him. He turned his head. That voice which offered him that belonged to noone other than Merlin. "I shall not enter her privacy. I do not need to hear anything about it. I am glad she died happily, thats enough to know for me." answered Bedivere calmly.


"She died happily you say... well, that is right. However, her afterlife suffering... thats diferent story." said Merlin mysteriously. "Don't try to fool me, Merlin. I do not believe, that such a person can suffer after death. In Avalon, where her soul will rest for eternity, every her wish will be granted." countered Bedivere. "Well, every wish, but one. And that one wish will make her suffer eternaly. Well, it cannot be helped, i guess... however, there may be way... no, no, such a thing is impossible." whispered Merlin loud enough for Bedivere to here. "Merlin, what are you trying to achieve? Get straight to thing, please. What wish? What way?" asked Bedivere in rage.


"Well, then I need to explain you what her dream was about." answered Merlin with laugh. Bedivere sighed. "As I can see, not even I can resist you. Then, explain me." Bedivere sat on hill, listening to old man, who was talking, about Arthurias decision to get Holy Grail, her sacrifice, her meeting man she fell in love with, and their farewell. Bedivere listened carefully, sometimes asking something, sometimes just watching in direction of sunset, while sun already was under the horizon. In morning, old wizzard finished his story, but yet knight silently sat on hill, thinking.


"So you say, that she will never meet him again. After he will die, his soul will travel to live another life, her will stay in Avalon. Divided... for eternity. No, I cannot let that happen, you was talking about way that there may be. I will do whatever you ask me to do, in order to make them reach. And don't talk about inprobability of it and such things, I know you knew that I will do whatever moment you came to this hill, so don't act like you don't want me to do what needs to be done." said Bedivere, after thinking.


Merlin smiled. "You, Bedivere, were not suposed to be called Bedivere the Wise, but rather Bedivere the goat. I will answer your questions. There is possibility, that we can give him, doors that we can create, however, if he will use them... that all depends on him. If his love will vanish, he will not enter Avalon." said wizzard after that. Bedivere smiled. "I don't want to believe, that there is such a fool, who would betray Arturia. If he really loved her even for moment, there is no way his love can be destroy. As Arturia is..." Bedivere fell silent. Merlin smiled in answer.


"So..." started Bedivere again. "What am I suposed to do, Merlin?" he asked. "There is only one thing you can do. If that person, Shiró Emya will ever touch sheath of Excalibur, as long as he will love Arthuria, he shall be able to enter Avalon after death." said Merlin. Bedivere glanced at Merlin. "That is impossible, sheath was stolen. Noone know where it is." he said. "Well, you are right, Bedivere. However, if sheath is found, and delivered on certain place, they may rest together in Avalon. However, in order to do so, you shall not touch sheath of holy sword by bare hands." answered Merlin.


From that day, Bedivere traveled through England, Wales and Ireland, seeking for sheath of holy sword. People believed he was searching for holy grail, as he never told what he really is looking for. It took him only five years. Maybe Merlin led his steps, maybe he was just lucky, but he found sheath of Excalibur. Remembering Merlins advice, he never touched it with bare hands, and he wrapped it into cloth, in order to protect purity of sheath. Merlin then sent him to land of Germans, to find abyss with no bottom.
He, following advices of Merlin, used bottomless abyss to come into distant future, where he delivered sheath of Excalibur to family, known as Einzbern, and then returned into his own times. However, on way back to England, he was shot by poisoned arrow into shoulder. Yet he was able to reach his ship, and ordered his loyal men, to sail back to England. Lying on death bed, he was visited by Merlin.


"Merlin... I did my best... tell me... will Arturia... reach happiness?" asked Bedivere. "Wise knight... I cannot tell. I do not have knowledge about how things will turn out. But I believe. You already did your best. Only thing you can do now, is believe." answered Merlin. "You never touched sheath, nor your love for her disapeared." he added. Bedivere turned his head. "I... do love her. I wish only her happiness, therefore, things like my own happiness are insignificant. I have sweared to serve her, and that will not change. I am happy i gave them chance... Merlin?" "Yes, Bedivere?" Merlin asked. "I want to... ask you to do one last thing." Bedivere whispered. "What is it, my friend?" asked Merlin and placed his ears closer to hear what Bedivere whispered. "You know where Avalon is?" whispered dying man.


Avalons nature was pure... it was no miracle they call this place Utopia. "... two miracles must happen." said voice of old wizzard. "You Arthuria must never let your love disapear, and Shiro Emiya have to love you untill his last moments. If, and only if both conditions will be met, he will be able enter Avalon." Sadness disapeared from angel-like face of goldhaired girl. "Before I died... you said there is no way we will ever meet. Why?" she asked. "Things have changed. It was impossible before... but now, you at least shall have this hope... Arturia. I believe, that your love will overcome all remaining problems." "Merlin? What do you mean by "things have changed"?" asked girl. "As I say it. I cannot tell you anything else about it. Rejoice, Arturia, your dream will be fulfilled."


Merlin sat on ground in front of newly digged grave. "Here lies Bedivere the Wise. Man of courage, honor, and pride. Man who loved so much that he sacrified own life to fulfill wish of one girl, who did not even noticed she was loved. He was willing to sacrifice everything for her, and so he did. Man who believed in that certain girl, man who believed that she deserves to smile, man who respect her from day she drew sword from stone. His love will be forgotten... but his soul will never forget." whispered Merlin to himself. Noone but him was here, funeral took place two weeks ago. Then, Merlin smiled and laughed. "Here lies a men, who loves so much, that his love survived over sixteen hundred years. Man who will forget girl named Arthuria, but yet he will never love anyone, for whole thirteen reincarnations... till he will meet her again. Who could believe that such love can exist... who would believe... but yet, it is truth. I do believe, and I cannot even think about something as inprobable as that this man, whose love survived so many lives and deaths, will let that love be destroyed in his last life. Sleep calmly Bedivere. Tomorrow starts new day..." said Merlin. Whispering disapeared and so did mysterious old wizzard. But on the grave remained lying stuffed plush lion.

(PS: I am seeking for help with removal of all language mistakes. I will also probably do some minor changes over time. Thanks.)

Autor Trystan ap Tallwch, 30.03.2012
Přečteno 1422x
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moc pěkné dílo! škoda sice, že jsem nerozuměl, ale jinak se to prohlíželo pěkně :D

31.03.2012 20:56:59 | Black Sardinian


Ach jo... jak kdyby tahle kategorie nebyla už tak dost nepřehledná. Ale co, mám umět anglicky, že?

31.03.2012 19:27:42 | vyskovak.cz


No, uložil jsem to pod Anglickým literem... převedu to kvůli vám do češtiny, v Anj jsem to napsal aby mi hoši ovládající anglicky pomohli vychytat hrubky a nastrkat tam staroangličtinu, abych to mohl postnout na Fansub web. Díky za komentář, zítra se do toho pustím, zkusím vám to vyšperkovat :)

31.03.2012 20:42:58 | Trystan ap Tallwch


Nechtěl by jsi mi to napsat česky?? Prosíím ^^

31.03.2012 11:20:06 | Hoshi

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