She's like the wind 07

She's like the wind 07



Hi Lena, what's new?“ Ian asked as he slipped in the elevator at the last second before the door closed.


Hi. The Hell Ride's supposed to be released tomorow. Otherwise I work on Monica's book,“ Lena informed him.


Carl called me before I’d left the office. He was full of praise for you,“ Ian winked. „Do you already have the book?“


Not yet,“ she gave him a small smile.


You don't look happy. I thought it would be your dream come true to work with Mr. Corbett,“ Ian gave her a long gaze. „Is something wrong?“


No, everything's alright,“ Lena averted her eyes and got out of the elevator. „I'm just a little tired.“


Don't give me that,“ he shook his head. „I know you and I don't like what I see, Lena,“ he put his hand on her forearm. „Have some rest on the weekend and if you need a few days off the next week...“


No, thanks. I need to keep myself busy,“ she closed her eyes for a second. „Everything's going to be alright. I'm going to be alright, OK?“


Ian nodded. „OK. I hope you're right. Have a nice weekend,“ he watched her leave as she headed for her car. He felt that something was bothering her but he didn't want to push.




Lena poured coffee into a mug for herself and pulled her phone out of her purse. She went outside and settled on the back porch. She decided not to work today.


Two weeks ago Eric approved the specimen copy of his book and tomorrow it was supposed to be released. Lena haven't seen him since that day, he didn't even answer her text two days ago. Their relationship was still one of a friendship.


Today Ian reminded her of the fact how much she missed Eric. She wasn't sure of what happened. She had been used to seeing him often before they finished his book. Suddenly she felt alone like never before. She realized how deep he had gotten under her skin and her heart painfully clenched in her chest.


She had no idea how long she was sitting there when she noticed, it got dark. She walked inside and put the mug into the dish washer. After using the bathroom she crawled under the covers. She checked her phone and placed it on the nightstand. Then she succumbed to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Hearing the phone beep she woke up, reaching for it before she opened her eyes. Glancing on the display she saw it was almost eleven a.m. How could she sleep so long? She rose in the sitting position, reading the text.


Sorry. Can I stop by?“


She typed the answer. „Of course. Let me know when.“ She sent it and got up. Before she arrived to the bathroom to get dressed, the phone beeped again. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed in a perfect 'O' as she read another text from Eric.


I'm standing at your door.“


She slipped in a dressing gown and rushed to open the door. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him standing there. He was wearing a pair of black jeans, a white shirt and a waistcoat. Even though she intended to be angry with him, she had to smile a little, looking in his beautiful eyes.


Hi, come in,“ she stepped aside and closed the door behind him when he was inside. She led him to the living room.„Give me a few minutes, please,“ she disappeared in the bedroom.


Seeing her in the dressing gown, he realized she'd had to sleep before he arrived.


In a few minutes she was back. „Did you have breakfast?“ she asked as she moved to the kitchen. „I know it's rather time for lunch but...,“ she shrugged.


I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up,“ he apologized, feeling embarrassed as he followed. „I've already had breakfast but if you want to skip it we could go outside for lunch,“ he offered.


It's OK. I don't know why I slept so long. I usually get up around eight a.m.,“ she ran her hand through her hair. „Well, I think I can skip breakfast and to be honest it's a great idea to havelunch outside because I would have to start cooking considering I'd got up a few minutes ago,“ she broke off for a second, noticing his hands still placed behind his back. „What's in your hands?“


He smiled faintly and held out his left hand to hand her a book. „I have a gift for you.“


The title said 'The Hell Ride' and when she opened it, she saw the inscription 'To the best editor and the most amazing woman I've ever known, Lena Gray'. She looked up at him, shaking her head lightly.


Thank you, Eric,“ she closed the book.


I have one more gift for you,“ he held out his right hand with a bunch of freesias in it.


Oh... thanks,“ a beaming smile brightened up her face as she took the flowers and smelled them, closing her eyes. „However...,“ she opened them again, looking at him, „ should explain why you’ve been MIA till now.“


He nodded, his face serious. „Can we go?“


Is there any dress code where we're going? I see you put on a shirt and waistcoat,“ she put the flowers in a vase and turned to him.


His eyes drifted over her. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a red top with straps. „A suit isn't required there but a shirt is,“ he informed her.


I see. I'm going to change. We should match, so to speak,“ she smiled. „So give me a minute once more.“ She walked in the bedroom and opened the closet. She chose a blue airy blouse with three-quarter sleeves. It was almost transparent so she quickly changed her bra, putting on a dark blue one.


He was waiting for her in the hall. He looked at her as she slipped in her high-heels. Feeling his eyes on her she raised hers to him. „What? Is it better or...?“


Fantastic...,“ he held a breath for a second, „... you just look amazing.“


Oh... thanks, but don't exaggerate,“ she felt her cheeks redden. He smiled and opened the door for her. After she locked it he led her to his Range Rover. „Wow, where is your hell machine?“ she lifted her eyebrow as he opened the passenger's door. Deep inside she was grateful he had his car. Not that she didn't like taking a ride on his motorbike but she preferred a car to a bike.


I left it at home today. I wanted to have the lunch more fancy. That's why I'm dressed like this,“ he explained, starting the car. „Riding the bike in a shirt would look kind of strange,“ he glanced at her, driving to Hagerstown. „The car is more appropriate. Besides you prefer a car, right?“


You're right,“ she smiled faintly, wondering what intentions he had, choosing the words 'more fancy'. „But it doesn't mean I don't like riding on the bike with you.“


I understand,“ he nodded slowly. She could see a small smile on his lips. „I took the liberty to reserve a booth in 28 South for us today,“ he said as he parked in front of the restaurant.


Wow, sounds good,“ she responded and got out as he rounded the car to open the door for her. He offered her his arm and she linked hers with his.


Once inside, the waiter led them upstairs and to their booth. They asked for the menu and ordered drinks. In no time the waiter was back, bringing them two Cokes.


I had no idea there's a mezzanine here,“ Lena said, glancing down.


I like it,“ he sipped from his glass, watching her over the rim of it.


Yeah, me too,“ she smiled. He looked a little nervous. „What's bothering you, Eric? I can feel your unease. Can I help you?“


I don't know where to begin, Lena,“ he brushed his hand against his forehead. „You asked me why I'd been MIA the last two weeks,“ he sighed.


Yes, I did because iwonder,“ she said softly. „Start wherever you want.“


It's complicated,“ he started speaking slowly after taking a deep breath. „I felt something for you since the first time we'd met. Then you arrived into my house as my new editor. As we worked together my feelings only grew,“ he broke off to take a sip from his glass. „I told you back then in the bar that I thought I was too old for you. I couldn't get rid of the feeling even though I like spending time with you.“


Yes. We have talked about it as well and I told you I didn't care because I liked spending time with you, too,“ she reminded him. She had no idea what to expect from this conversation and her stomach flipped in concern he would want to end their friendship.


I remember,“ he nodded. „I felt I needed to make a decision about what to do further. I needed time to decide that's why I couldn't be anywhere near you.“


So... does it mean..., this fancy lunch... is your goodbye?“ she shook her head. „Did you decide to keep your distance, end our deal and find a different editor?“ she ran her hand through her hair. She'd like nothing more than to run away right at the moment. It couldn't be true. This could be the worst thing that happened to her work related and personally and she closed her eyes to stop tears from flowing down from her eyes. I have to be strong, I mustn't show him what he does to me even though it hurts like hell.


Absolutely not, Lena,“ she heard him say to her surprise. „I'm just trying to be as sincere as I can. I needed to test myself... to find out if I could live...,“ he swallowed and looked in her eyes, „... live without you in my life.“


She stared at him, waiting for what words would come out of his mouth next and she felt as if her heart stopped beating in her chest as she realized how much she cared about him. Her eyes were stuck on his lips for a second then she raised them to his again as he continued.


I couldn't,“ he whispered. „The last two weeks were like a purgatory to me. I fell for you, Lena and now... I need to know if you feel the same because I don't want to push you by any means.“


She nodded and took a breath to respond when the waiter brought their meals. She waited till he left and held out her hand to put it on his.


I feel the same, Eric,“ she said, looking up at him. „Because I appreciate your honesty I have to admit that I didn't perceive you the very first time we'd met and you know why. I hope you know... you feel that it's not because of your money or glory that I like you but because you're a sincere, casual, intelligent and kind guy.“


Thanks for your words,“ he took her hand in both of his, lifting it to his lips to press a kiss on the back of it.


She could see his features eased and his eyes lit up. She felt relief and gave him a shining smile as he let her hand go, looking up. She was grateful for them being in the mezzanine far away from the other people in the restaurant.


Then they started eating in a comfortable silence, just listening to a quiet music coming from speakers. The waiter took away their empty plates as they finished eating and Eric ordered two cups of coffee.


Lena glanced down now and then watching the buzz downstairs and suddenly she spotted Joel and Eva coming inside. They took a place in the booth next to the door so she could watch them.


Joel and Eva arrived right now. Did you expect them here?“ Lena turned her attention to Eric.


Really?! No, I didn't,“ Eric shook his head. „I just mentioned I want to take you here. Where are they?“


I don't want to point. They sat down in the booth next to the door. I can see them,“ she jerked her chin in their direction.


Eric's eyes darted around the first floor until he found them. „Yes, I can see them, too. They don't seem to have seen us.“


It doesn't matter. I like to see them together. They look happy,“ Lena took a sip from her cup that the waiter had brought them a moment ago.


They do. Joel's enchanted by Eva. He told me,“ Eric smiled. „He broke up with Peggy the day after he'd met Eva. They look in love.“


Eva talked about him very nice. She told me he was a surgeon. I didn't know.“


Yes, he is. He's a senior consultant in Meritus Health here in Hagerstown. He's a very good surgeon. I met him about six years ago. He told me that he’d read all my books back then. We became friends. He has a sensitive soul. I really like him,“ he drifted his eyes from Joel to Lena.



Well Eva is my best friend so...,“ she shrugged with a small smile. „We went to high school together. I have a feeling I know her forever.“


I'd like to get to know you more, Lena,“ he rested his hands on the table, looking in her eyes. Then he encouraged himself to lift his hand to cover hers.


You can,“ she glanced at his hand, feeling a wave of electricity surging through her whole body from his touch. It was a gentle gesture, yet so intense. „I know we both are busy people but yet we can find some time to spend together.“


I hope so. It's sad to say this but Carl called me yesterday that the Hell Ride's tour would start on Tuesday in New York,“ he closed his eyes for a second. „So I'll have to leave Hagerstown tomorrow evening,“ he shook his head. „I've always looked forward to my book tours but now I'd rather like to stay here.“


Look, your tour won't last forever. You'll come back and we can be together,“ she furrowed her forehead disapprovingly. „I don't want you to stop doing what you love. It's possible to harmonize your free time and your work for you being satisfied. Likewise for me.“


It's true,“ he nodded. Maybe that's why I ended up divorced. This precious woman could teach me to harmonize my work and our relationship for both of us to be happy. I have to be careful not to screw up everything again.


You can call me when you're on the way,“she offered.


Of course. I will,“ he smiled faintly. „Well, do you have plans for today?“


I don't,“ she shrugged. „You know, I'm used to work the whole weekend but I can postpone it.“


Likewise,“ he chuckled. „We're two of a kind, aren't we?“


Two of a kind? Perhaps. They could rather call us workaholics,“ Lena laughed shortly. „But I don't care. I love my work. Now I read a book by Monica Davis, she writes romances with elements of drama. She's an amazing writer.“


I think I know the name,“ he nodded. „Have you ever tried to write something yourself?“


No, I haven't. I think it wouldn't fit with my work. I've read many stories in the last three years so I wouldn't be able to come up with something original myself,“ she finished her coffee. „And what about your plans for today?“


I thought we could go for a walk. I'd like to show you around. The weather's beautiful today,“ he paused. „In the evening we could play bowling and dance and just have a good time. What do you think?“


I think it sounds wonderful. Spending Saturday in a different way than work could be refreshing even for you, right?“


Absolutely. I'm glad that you like my plan,“ he finished his coffee.


After he paid the bill they stopped at Joel and Eva's table.


Hey guys, how are you?“ Eric patted Joel's back and gave a smile to Eva.


Hi, we're fine, thanks,“ Joel looked up. „We saw you upstairs but we didn't want to interfere. Are you leaving?“


Yes, we are,“ Eric nodded. „We have plans for the afternoon.“


You could join us in the evening at the bar,“ Lena offered with a smile.


Good idea,“ Eric agreed.


Joel looked at Eva, covering her hand with his. „What do you think?“


Why not?“ she smiled at him.


OK then. We'll meet there around six,“ Joel turned his attention to Eric, his hand still on Eva's.


OK. See you...,“ Eric nodded.


Bye,“ Lena waved at them as they were walking out of the restaurant.




After showing her the woods in the vicinity of his house he led her over the meadow. They stopped at the lake.


Wow! Is it the lake that you can see from your gazebo?“ Lena asked, recalling as they were standing together in his gazebo a few months ago.


Yes, it is,“ he smiled, the same memory in his mind.


It's beautiful here,“ she stared at the surface reflecting the rays of the sun as it started falling over the horizon with the sunset.


He watched her beaming face and after a short hesitation he closed the distance between them putting his arm around her shoulders. „It is. Sometimes I come here to watch the sunrise when I wake up too early. It's also beautiful.“


I'm sure it is,“ she looked up at him with a small smile, putting her arm around his waist. It was nice to feel the warmth of his body as if she was protected from the surrounding world.


He nodded. „We should go not to be late at the bar.“


Don't you mind that I offered them to meet us there?“ she asked as they walked to his car.


Not at all. I would have told them myself if you didn't,“ he winked, rewarded with her smile.




At the bar they had dinner, then played a bowling match which Joel won. They talked and danced, just had a good time.


At ten p.m. when the bar closed, Eric took Lena home.


Standing on the front porch he took her hand in both of his. „It was a beautiful day, thank you.“


I can't disagree,“ she gave him a small smile. „But I can't take all credits for that.“


You can't imagine how much I don't want to leave tomorrow,“ he sighed, looking in her eyes.


I can,“ she put her hand on his cheek. „But you need to do it for your book. When will you be back? In a month? It's not that long. I'll be here waiting for you,“ she tilted her head on one side.


I'll be back on September 16th,“ he gently pulled her closer and touched his lips to hers. „I'll call you. Thanks for your positive energy, Lena.“ He let her go, stroked her cheek. „Bye for now.“ He turned around hesitantly and made his way to the car.


See you soon, Eric,“ she said loudly before he got in and drove away.

Autor KeepTheFlameBurning, 04.08.2018
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