She's like the wind 13

She's like the wind 13

Anotace: Epilogue... I'm writing a brand new story in Czech for you. I'll start posting it when I'm done.

Sbírka: She's like the wind



After putting the dishes in the dishwasher Eric climbed upstairs and opened the door to his daughter's room. It was originally the guest room but it was transformed into her room five years ago.


Nellie, are you ready to go?“ he asked, seeing her sitting at her table, drawing something.


Yes,“ she dropped the pencil and slid down the chair. „I can't wait and you?“


Of course, I can't wait, too, sweetheart,“ he smiled gently, ruffling her light hair, looking in her doe brown eyes that she inherited from her mother.


He seated Nellie in the child seat and sat down behind the wheel. As he turned to the main road in direction of the hospital, it reminded him of the event six weeks ago...


He was writing in his study, finishing a chapter when he heard knocking on the door. He raised his eyes to it, surprised. Lena always respected his need to write and never allowed anyone, even to herself, to disturb him. He repayed her the same way when she needed silence and peace to work.


Daddy?“ Nellie opened the door. „Mom needs your help.“


He looked at her, getting up, knowing that something had to happen. Her tiny face was worried, her eyes big as saucers.


What happened, Nellie?“ he moved to her, catching her in his arms as she ran to him.


Mom says, her belly hurts,“ she wrapped her arms around his neck.


Let's go to check on her, OK?“ he carried her out of the room, trying to stay calm. „Where is your mom?“


She's in the kitchen,“ Nellie mumbled in his neck.


Eric quickened his pace, almost running down the stairs. He sat his daughter down in a chair, stroking her hair and stepped to Lena who was standing there, holding onto the counter, bent over slightly, her hand on her bulging belly.


What's wrong?“


It started,“ Lena looked up at him, her face twisted with pain.


We have to go to the hospital. Now,“ he took her in his arms. „Nellie, follow me, please. Mom needs help.“ He watched his daughter if she followed him and carried Lena to the car.


It's too soon, Eric, too soon,“ Lena kept whispering, tears flowing down her cheeks.


I know. Don't worry, everything will be alright,“ he stroked her cheek as he seated her inside, trying to reassure her. But inside he was scared as hell. Their son was supposed to be born in two months. „Are you OK?“ he asked Nellie as he fastened her seatbelt, caressing her cheek, trying to smile.


I'm scared, daddy. Is mom going to be OK?“ her innocent eyes were locked with his. „And the baby?“ she asked as he nodded.


I'm not sure, Nellie. We'll see. We have to hurry,“ he kissed her on the crown of her head and jumped behind the wheel.


Once they arrived at the hospital, Lena was taken in the operation room and he was left sitting in the waiting room, Nellie sleeping in his arms. He was worried about Lena's life, he couldn't even think about losing her. And their baby... He carefully put sleeping Nellie on a bench as he spotted a doctor coming to him.


Mr. Corbett?“ he asked.


Eric nodded, swallowing hard, running his hand through his hair, not able to speak. He stared at the doctor, waiting for his words.


I'm dr. Waters. You have a son, Mr. Corbett,“ he gave him a small smile. „He's very small but he will survive. Your wife is alright. We had to do cesarian section but everything's going to be alright.“


Thank God,“ Eric dropped his face in his hands, feeling a huge relief. „Thank you,“ he corrected himself. „Can I see them?“


You can. Just wait a few minutes. A nurse will let you know and take you to them once they're in their room,“ he offered him his hand to shake and left.


Eric sat down next to his daughter, stroking her hair gently so not to wake her up. He felt exhausted but happy.


He jumped up, feeling someone's hand on his shoulder. He looked up, seeing Joel.


Joel, you're here?“


They needed me here for your wife,“ he patted Eric's back. „Your nerves are on the edge, right? Don't worry,“ he took a seat next to him.


Did you operate on her?“ Eric asked, glancing at Nellie now and then.


I made the C-section. Your son was in danger. He was choking up so I needed to get him out quickly. He's in an incubator now and he's doing well,“ he broke off to give Eric some time to process it before he continued, watching his friend intently. „Anyway he has to stay in the hospital for several weeks before we release him home.“


How long?“ Eric asked in a low voice, his heart skipped a beat.


About a month, Eric. It's up to him. He was born too soon,“ Joel responded softly.


How is Lena?“ Eric almost whispered, his hands shaking.


She was conscious the whole time, cooperating with me and was really brave,“ Joel nodded slowly. „She's a strong woman but she has to spend some time here as well. But she's alright. Everything worked out. Believe me, it could be worse. Both of them survived, it's the most important thing.“


A nurse stepped to them. „Mr. Corbett, you can see your wife and son now. Follow me.“


Go, my friend. I'm going to keep an eye on Nellie,“ Joel smiled.


Eric nodded and followed a nurse over the hall to a room. A nurse left and he walked inside, his heart in the throat. He saw Lena lying on the bed and rushed to her. Their eyes met as he got down on his knees next to the bed, taking her hand.


It's good, Eric. Our son is alright,“ Lena gave him a small smile squeezing his hand gently.


I was so worried about you,“ he breathed out.


I know,“ she lifted her hand to stroke his cheek. „Don't worry about me. I'm OK. You should take a look at your son. He still doesn't have a name.“


Eric looked around, got up and crossed the room to the incubator. He's never seen so tiny baby. „Can I touch him?“ he looked at her over his shoulder.


Take a steril glove from the box and put your hand in one of the openings,“ Lena instructed, watching him doing as he was told. She was moved, seeing tiny fingers of her son wrapping around his father's one.


He's amazing,“ Eric whispered reverently. „Do you still want him to be named Daniel?“ he turned his head to her, feeling no shame about moisture in his eyes.


Yes, Danny, if you don't mind,“ she shrugged lightly.


Then Joel walked in with Nellie in his arms. „Look, here's your parents and your really tiny brother,“ he said, waving his free hand around.


Nellie glanced at the incubator and Joel put her down on her feet. Eric took her hand and laughed lightly as her eyes popped out, seeing Danny for the first time. „He's smaller than my teddy bear,“ she announced, surprised.


He's going to grow up, don't worry,“ Lena spoke and Nellie ran to her.




Hi, Nellie,“ Lena stroke her hair. „Aren't you sleepy?“


She was sleeping in the waiting room while her daddy was on edge,“ Joel smiled. „How are you feeling?“


A-ha,“ Lena nodded. „I feel exhausted but good.“


OK. I'm going to leave you now, my friends. Tomorrow I have an afternoon shift so I'll come to check on you,“ Joel turned to the door.


Joel, thank you very much,“ Lena looked at him.


You're welcome,“ he winked, a smile on his lips and left.


Today was the day when Eric arrived at the hospital to take his wife and son finally home. Even though Lena was released three weeks ago, she couldn't leave her little son alone there, so she agreed with Eric on staying with Danny in the hospital.


Every time he'd come to visit them he was shuddering with fear of his son's life. He's been missing Lena by his side and he was hardly able to write. He took care of Nellie, trying not to show her his worries. It was a hard time not only for him.


Lena was sitting on the bed, breastfeeding her son. She struggled not to lose her milk the whole time, sucking it out every day. She'd succeeded and she was grateful for that.


Looking up, she saw Eric standing in the doorway, staring at her. Nellie ran to her. Lena stroked her hair and put her finger on her lips.


Hi,“ she smiled gently, looking in Eric's eyes.


He slowly walked in and sat down next to her. „I'm glad that we can go home,“ he kissed her on the cheek carefully not to disturb Danny.




After craddling her daughter in her arms Lena tucked Nellie in and read a fairy tale for her till she fell asleep. She kissed her on the forehead and noiselessly left the room.


Walking in the bedroom she stopped in the doorway. Eric was lying on their bed on his side, supported on his elbow, Danny next to him. She felt tears forming in her eyes at the sight. A few seconds later she crawled on the bed next to Danny.


He's amazing,“ Eric looked up at her, whispering reverently, his finger in Danny's hold as he was sleeping.


He is,“ she smiled faintly. „It was a hard fight but we won,“ she whispered.


I hope so,“ he responded. „I have a feeling that I'll never stop worrying about his life.“


He's much stronger than you can imagine,“ she stroked his cheek. „You don't have to be worried about him. We have to raise him like any other child.“


I know. I don't want to spoil him,“ he said in a low voice, caressing Danny's cheek with his finger. „I just want to enjoy having him home.“


I see. He's happy to be home. Look how calm he is,“ she leaned over and kissed Danny on the crown of his head lightly. „He missed you.“


He shot his eyes to her. „Really? And yourself?“


She held her breath, a wide smile spread on her face. „I missed you like hell, Eric Corbett,“ she narrowed her eyes.


He rose and took Danny in his arms. He walked to his crib and held him in his arms a few more seconds. He put him in the crib, covered him and returned to bed to Lena.


He pulled her closer and she snuggled up to him. Having her in his arms again was a balm to his soul. He smelled her hair, closing his eyes.


I'll never ever allow you to leave me, my love,“ he kissed her on the crown of her head. „It was terrifying to live without you.“


She pulled back a bit to look in his eyes. „It was. I thought about you every night I was sleeping alone,“ she put her hand on his chest. „I'm proud of you, you know? It had to be hard to take care of Nellie, cook and everything. I hope you had time to write.“


Nope,“ he shook his head, laughing a bit. „I couldn't think of writing. My mind was set on you and Danny. I rather spent my time with our daughter. I tried not to scare her with my own worries. And cooking and taking care of her... it was nothing hard,“ he kissed her. „But I have to admit that I'm very happy you're here next to me.“


I'm happy, too,“ she kissed him back. „I love you very much, Eric. You're an amazing husband and father.“


I love you, too, love of my life,“ he gave her his charming smile. „You're a fantastic wife and mother. You're a strong woman. I wouldn't trade you for anyone and anything in the world.“


She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him on top of her. „We're able to manage everything together.“ She was drowning in his eyes before she closed hers as he gave her a long passionate kiss.


He made love to her hungrily even though he was careful not to crush her because of the scar on her belly. But she didn't think of it. She was moaning in his arms, happy beyond belief. It was so good feeling him close again. She devoted herself to him fully, overwhelmed by her love. She felt so alive.


Later they were slowly drifting to sleep in each other's arms. She intensely perceived his arms wrapped around her, her head on his chest. She knew that nothing and no one can separate them. That hard period of their lives proved that they belonged together as one and their love would survive everything.



Autor KeepTheFlameBurning, 15.09.2018
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