Space Cadet #1 - Lost
Anotace: The moan of whales, whisper of the sea and intense sunrays striking at my face, those were the...
The moan of whales, whisper of the sea and intense sunrays striking at my face, those were the first things that I perceived. Following this I felt the soft touch of the sand beneath me that acted like my bed. Before that I was laying on this spot like a corpse, unable to move, unable to hear or see. Is this how a cadaver feels like? When the thought about death crossed my mind, I was struck by a huge pain. I prayed to the sounds of nature to come back and wash away all the pain! But the hope of such a thing to happen is futile, instead unstoppable agony ran through my whole body as I’ve attempted to get up. I choked the pain inside and managed to make no sound as I got up. I didn’t want to risk the chance of being spotted by some inferior entity or just simply by someone. Without the necessity of exploring this place, I knew that I don’t recognize this place at all. Upon inspection of my body, I found out that luckily I had no bone fractures and that my whole black-and-blue uniform was smudged by blood everywhere. The blood was mine – I was certain of that. Besides those few cuts I came to realize how fucked up I were. A relatively half dead guy in the middle of nowhere, that’s how I would describe my situation. Just to ease up the situation I started to slowly explore where I am right now. I’m standing on the beach, obviously. Oppose the sea and separated from it by the sandy beach stood a jungle filled with palm and leafy trees. I still got no clue where am I right now. I decided to look up at the sky for a brief moment. The sun was still shining and through my covered eyes I saw a flock of birds flying by. As I was turning back I noticed that something was laying there on the ground. An abandoned pulse rifle caught my attention. I presumed that it was mine since miles away there’s been so far no trace of human like activity – so without any further hesitation I picked it up. Few seconds later I peered into the distance ahead of me. An infinite ocean decorated by the sunrays. Quite a peaceful and marvelous picture, I need to say. As I’ve been turning my head away from the ocean view, I noticed that there was something quite intriguing on the beach. I was astonished by the thing that stood several miles ahead of me. A crashed space ship, it left me in raising some questions like: How the hell did this happen? And how many times did the ship crash with its front?
Honestly there are just too many things at once at this moment. First waking up in the middle of nowhere, the pain and now this? I would rather be lying unconsciously at the beach again. All the noises of this surroundings and the sun rays must have rebooted my biological system. For someone who just woke up I feel too exhausted. My physical state is comparable to a walking dead right now.
Suddenly, it was like a panic attack. I took a knee in an attempt to calm myself down. I started to realize how dire my situation is. A completely unknown place is surrounding me and most probably I’m even on an unknown planet. The anxiety is starting to kill me. I have absolutely no idea what might have happened to me or how did I get here. All I know is that I know nothing. Could the crashed spaceship have something to do with me? I looked away from the ship and directed my sight towards my right hand, that’s holding a pulse rifle in it. I stood up and realized that there’s a much more important question to ask, in fact I should be concerned by it the most. In that very moment I asked myself the question – Who the hell am I… and what’s my name?

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