My personal confession (Má osobní zpověď)
Anotace: No metaphore, no alegory... It's just the naked truth... About my sad heart... :,-( /anglicky + slovní zásoba/
* The Heart of Sorrow *
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* My personal confession *
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The memory within me,
I still try to set it free...
The thought about a dove,
Which can't stop to love...
Oh, who alone can break it,
The chains I want to split.
Oh, I've prayed for so long
To hear his poem or song.
/To be confident I'm loved.../
Now, I dying of the blindness,
That my hope isn't useless.
Now, I fear that I understand,
Why I don't hold his warm hand.
/I've never give him a chance.../
I've never shown my feelings.
I've always hiden my things.
But all the time I've denied
All I could do or set right.
/Now I regret that I wasn't brave.../
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
within - uvnitř
set free - propustit (na svobodu), osvobodit
split - zde: roztříštit
pray - modlit se
be confident - být si jistý
blindness - slepota
deny - popírat
set right - napravit
regret - litovat
(ěščřžýáíéů) (ěščřžýáíéů)
Přečteno 373x
Tipy 3
Poslední tipující: Bíša

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