Time to leave

Time to leave

Anotace: Sorry people. This man wouldn't appreciate this if telling in czech. And frankly, we all should care about it... It's not just friend of mine.

He was looking for a place,
place, where to die.
Quite strange, I know,
but no other place left,
no other, where to go.

Listening to the rustle,
of the darkened dry sand
as he was pulling his rope,
he went to return the minutes lent,
slowly, down the slope.

Stars were sparkling,
showing their great grief.
They knew he was a good man,
not a murderer, not a thief.
But there was no other choice.

Sometimes, you feel different,
like if you shouldn't be here.
As you don't belong
among the lies
and shallow beer.

This man wasn't proud,
he didn't hurt,
or shout aloud,
his fault was deep inside.

Telling he departs,
'cause he's too good
for this world,
it would be rude...
but asking me,
I give you a word
that it is true.

Autor Demedalex, 09.12.2007
Přečteno 302x
Tipy 5
Poslední tipující: Koskenkorva, hanele m., mňousek, Hesiona-Essylt
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I wonder who it is about... the robots say "LONeliness", he might be LONely...

26.01.2008 14:33:00 | hanele m.


Sice jsem nerozuměla ani slovo, ale angličtinu asi fakt válíš, když jsi schopen napsat v ní tak dlouhou báseň. Smekám.

20.01.2008 09:03:00 | Grafomanická MIA


But then it might appear as if there is not a good man without being enough fool to die. Of course, by his decision. Perhaps they need something they can sacfifice themselves for...

10.12.2007 16:56:00 | Demedalex


To tell you the truth I don´t understand him... though I myself know a few men who didn´t manage to live in this unfair world so they rather run away. Iˇm sorry there were no one to stop them ...

10.12.2007 10:19:00 | Hesiona-Essylt

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