

Anotace: o válce

It’s so easy to stop the life,
we need only gun or knife.
One shot to your head,
and your head turns to red.

Everybody knows this right,
but many people enjoy fight.
Many people are listening master
and death is faster and faster.

Death is faster than life,
if in our brains is knife.
In our brains is knife of lie,
we know it, but nothing say.

Why are we quit?
Do you like fight?
Do you like to destroy happiness?
Do you like to live in loneliness?

Soldier, can you tell me why?
Why such many people die?
May be your master has his right
and you go and fight.

Your masters are liars,
if they tell: “Fight is nice.”
Can you create human life?
No, but you still fight.

Solider, can you tell me why?
Why such many people must die?
The world doesn’t need war!
But the world needs LOVE!

Autor Manik, 18.07.2005
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